Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wishcasting Wednesday....I wish to jump into BLISS

Today is a new day....a day in which I am blessed to have. I came across this beautiful idea on a sweet friend of mine's blog. Her name is Dominee and she is a radiant Goddess who has inspired me so very much. She is part of the tribe of wishcasters. This tribe was started by Jamie over at www.jamieridlerstudios.ca . Please go check her out as she is amazing. I decided as part of my journey to find myself I would join this tribe and be a part of this wishcaster's tribe. Every Wednesday there will be a new question to answer...and of course the friends you make will help you in wishing to make your dream come true! So what do I want to jump into??? I want to jump into BLISS!
I know...that is a big...no it is a huge step for me. I know it is asking a lot but I believe deep within myself that I can do it. I have been so miserable for so long that I'm not just stopping at happiness I am going all out and reaching for the stars. I have had experiences in my life to bring me down and beat my spirit. I have felt complete sadness wash over me and steal my innermost happiness. Life is not perfect...sometimes it is downright debilitating. It can drop you to your knees with a powerful punch. When that happens instead of letting it defeat you in round one get back up on your feet and start throwing punches yourself. Swing for the fences my friend. Do not let it steal a minute, a day, a year of your happiness because those are minutes that you will never get back. Once they are gone that is it. Yesterday can never happen again. Do not do what I did when life got angry with me. I gave up, gave in, quit! I lost my happiness and my spirit. Well, I am here to tell you I am here for the comeback fight of my life. I am wishing for my pure bliss to fill my life. With your help I know it can be attained! Much love to you my friends! xo


  1. Oh, I have so been there! What beautiful advice you give, it is so important to fight against it. I used to be so angry at myself for the years I wasted in depression, but I've made peace with it. You can (and will) find your bliss!

    As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you as well.

    1. Thank you so much Dominee! I too have been so angry at myself for wasting so much time. I am just so thankful to have found a circle of friends that inspire and support me. I am determined to make this the best year in many!

  2. Oh my, wishing for "bliss" is such a wonderful wish...
    Such a lovely post, thank you. :]
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

    1. April,
      Thank you for taking the time to read my post. It means a lot as all of this writing is part of my journey to heal myself of grief and to find forgiveness for myself and others that have hurt me. Look forward to hopefully getting to know more about you.

  3. Welcome to Wishcasting dear!
    As you wish for yourself I wish for you also.

    1. Thank you for the kind welcome! I am so glad I found you guys. Please don't be a stranger.

  4. Wonderful wish that is full of lie and energy. As Becca wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

    1. Thanks Lucy for being here and reading my blog. I do wish for bliss. I don't know how easily it will come but I know that with my dedication I will find it!

  5. Beautiful. As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you.

  6. Welcome to the Tribe, Becca! It sound like you have come a long way and now you are full of wisdom that is only acquired by living the real life. You sound so strong and centered that I am pretty sure nothing can stand in your way. As you wish for yourself so I wish for you also. Big hugs, Karina

    1. Thanks for the welcome!!! I am working on being stronger everyday!

  7. What a simple but perfect wish! I wish you jump straight into a field of bliss!

  8. Becca, I am so proud of you for acknowledging the past that is huge.I too understand the coming back from the brink... and I always write my blog before reading others so that my thoughts and words are my own but kinda on the same order.As you wish for Bliss I too will wish with you.

  9. I'm new to Wishcasting too! Welcome!
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

    1. Well maybe we can take this journey together!

  10. I am wishing for you that this turns out not to be a fight at all, but more like a big surprise party, or a relaxing weekend day that feels like it will last forever: bliss the easy way, relaxed into instead of fought for--this is the wish I will add to the one you've already made for yourself. As you wish for yourself, so I also wish for you.

    1. Hello Jill I would love for life to just come easily for me but it seems it just tried to defeat me! I'm so much stronger than I ever thought I was and I will overcome it!
      Thank you for the wishes sweetie.

  11. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also Becca! Wishing for lots of bliss to come your way.

  12. Yay to bliss! As you wish for yourself, so I truly wish for you also.

    1. Hello there! Thank you for stopping by my page! Don't be a stranger!

  13. As you so wish for yourself, I wish for you also.

  14. Hi Becca,
    What a nice wish! I feel that when you get acquainted with what negative life can sometimes throw at you, you get a better ability to see bliss and enjoy it.
    I send you sunshine from Bordeaux.
    As you wish for yourself, I wish for you too.
    Sabrina S.

  15. Hello Sabrina! Sorry I just now got around to replying. I have been so sick with strep! I am really glad you stopped by and thank you for the wish!!
